Lookup IP (RBL)


Welcome to the SPAMDNSBL.NET BlackList!

How it works? An IP address gets added to the SPAMDNSBL.NET DB when it sends email to a spamtrap

Check if your mail server is listed at SPAMDNSBL.NET!

If the IP you are checking is not in our database, but you are receiving bounce messages saying it is, then it is probable the IP has been removed from our database but DNS servers around the internet have not yet updated. In this case, wait 1-2 hours and the blocking should clear by itself.

There is nothing we can do to remove the IP from any DNS server around the net! Just wait, please!

This lookup tool is for manual (non-automated) lookups only. Any perceived use of automated tools to access this system will result in firewalling or other countermeasures.

Need help? Please contact us!

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